July 12-17, 2015
Qingdao, Shandong, China
We are inviting applications to participate in the IEEE ITSS Summer School on Frontiers in ITS: Transportation 5.0!
Areas of Interests:
Social transportation: traffic and transportation analytics with Big Data and social signals.
Crowdsourcing mechanisms for transportation-based Internet of Everything.
New and smart ITS services beyond location-based services (LBS): decision-based services (DBS), task-based services (TBS), information or intelligence-based services (IBS) or knowledge-based services (KBS).
Web-based agent technology for transportation control and management.
ITS with Mobile Internet, Cloud Computing, and Internet of Things, Services, and Everything.
ITS knowledge automation.
Cyber-Physical-Social Systems (CPSS) for transportation.
The school is primarily intended for students and young researchers interested in CPSS-based Transportation 5.0, but we will take applications from others who are interested as well.
We look forward to seeing you in Qingdao!
Contact Information: fits2015@qaii.ia.cn