October 9-11, 2014, Qingdao, China
Sponsored by IEEE/ITSS, Technical-sponsored by INFORMS
Venue SOLI’14 will be held together along with the 17th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems.
Conference Scope and Themes Service science, service operations, logistics, and informatics are becoming ever more complex and interdependent. They are playing an increasingly important role in today’s world economy. Information and communications technology provides cyber-infrastructure and platforms to achieve more efficient and productive services operations. New types of service offerings are also emerging to meet the needs of customers and consumers. The IEEE Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics (SOLI) conference series aims to bring together researchers and practitioners to discuss issues, challenges and future directions, share their R&D findings and experiences in relative areas.
Areas of Interest Papers relating to Services/Logistics Design, Innovations, Marketing, Operations, and Engineering; Information Technology / Systems, and their specific applications are strongly encouraged. Special sessions on specific service topics are also welcome. Topics include, but are not limited to:
● Service Design, Engineering, Operations, and Innovations
● Logistics & Supply Chain Management
● Material Flow(MF)Science and Technology
● Service/Event Management & Manufacturing
● Information & Communications Technology and Systems
● Electronic Commerce & Knowledge Management
Welcome to Qingdao!
The One of the Most Beautiful Coast Tourist Attractions of China
The Home of the Famous Tsingdao Beer and Chinese International Beer Festival